Happy Sunday Folks👋,

Welcome to the new 110+ motivated startup professionals who joined last week.

Congratulations to Abhishek Sebin, Melchizedec Sundararaj, and Priyanka Rajagopalan for becoming the Hellomeets Premium member. Cheers to your learning 🥳

In this week's issue, we will look at:

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HelloMeets Insights💡

In this section, We share value bombs 🤯 from one of our weekly live sessions or well-researched Product/ Growth teardowns.

How BigBasket reduced return tickets with auto refunds & callbacks

BigBasket was facing an issue of high customer tickets raised due to the returns.

The products on which the return tickets were raised ranged from Rs 20 to Rs 50 While it was not worth it for BigBasket to spend their resources on these return tickets.

To tackle this problem, BigBasket introduced a couple of hacks

First, let us understand how Auto refunds work.

Let's say you ordered a T-shirt from Amazon worth Rs. 400.

But because of some reason you don't like it and want to return it.

In such a scenario, Amazon may refund your money and NOT take the product back.